…it was covered in MOLD

I am not being over dramatic or exaggerating at all! From the floor to the ceilings to anything that was made out of wood – our brand new couch only had a teeny tiny spot on it…

I was shocked. On the verge of tears, but thought maybe we can save somethings… so I went into our bedroom and started grabbing anything I found mold on it and threw it into the living room to try and group it all….

The thing that was so shocking for us was that most people in the 1960s build building the condo was there SECOND home so if we were gone just over 10 days… how is this possible? The condensation near our kitchen floor was the cause of this? That the building manager had told us it was ‘normal’ and everyone had the same thing… so we climate controlled our place had a dehumidifier were very cautious and aware making sure water wasn’t just sitting/the doors were always closed…

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We had the couple above us come down and look over it – the husband being on the board of the condo – he pointed out rust on our front door (mind you there isn’t a full wall protecting the building from rain) said that the doors need to be replaced and that our landlord should have informed us of any AC issues…

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These three little bibles were the hardest for me… They were my Grandparents who have both passed away and one of the only things I had to remember them with…

….which we found out later she had had previous issues but never mentioned them….