Hot & Humid

Staying Cool

I never expected it to be so hot here in NYC! Especially at night when I am trying to go to sleep and the temperature is still 90 degrees before the humidity sets in… so I have resorted back to my childhood days of when living in TX of sleeping with an ice cold hand towel across my head and face just to fall asleep!

Yesterday, being cooler (95 degrees) than today’s (99 degrees) we went to see a movie! I have been waiting and waiting to see DespicableMe2 (as I think the yellow minions are hilarious) was a good movie and it was even better being in an ice cold theater through the hottest part of the day.

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Just a few pics of the film…don’t worry I didn’t illegally record anything. :) From there in the search of food we wandered around the Brookfield plaza pier (has been another fav spot we walk to) sat in the shade for a bit. It was sweet and short as we were ready to be back in the Air Con.

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When then headed to a cute cafe that my sister had recommended, called Kaffe 1668 it seems small when you first walk in, but like many places in New York they were very smart with all their seating… a large table and then there is a window seat, a small couch on the other side of the table as well as seating in their basement! Their theme is ‘sheep’ so they had little decor all over the cafe.

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Just like the sign says it was very good coffee and we enjoyed the vibe of the place as we sat and read for a couple of hours!

I hope that where ever you may be you are staying cool and making the most of your surroundings!