Hot & Humid

Staying Cool

I never expected it to be so hot here in NYC! Especially at night when I am trying to go to sleep and the temperature is still 90 degrees before the humidity sets in… so I have resorted back to my childhood days of when living in TX of sleeping with an ice cold hand towel across my head and face just to fall asleep!

Yesterday, being cooler (95 degrees) than today’s (99 degrees) we went to see a movie! I have been waiting and waiting to see DespicableMe2 (as I think the yellow minions are hilarious) was a good movie and it was even better being in an ice cold theater through the hottest part of the day.

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Just a few pics of the film…don’t worry I didn’t illegally record anything. :) From there in the search of food we wandered around the Brookfield plaza pier (has been another fav spot we walk to) sat in the shade for a bit. It was sweet and short as we were ready to be back in the Air Con.

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When then headed to a cute cafe that my sister had recommended, called Kaffe 1668 it seems small when you first walk in, but like many places in New York they were very smart with all their seating… a large table and then there is a window seat, a small couch on the other side of the table as well as seating in their basement! Their theme is ‘sheep’ so they had little decor all over the cafe.

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Just like the sign says it was very good coffee and we enjoyed the vibe of the place as we sat and read for a couple of hours!

I hope that where ever you may be you are staying cool and making the most of your surroundings!


Philharmonic Concert in Central Park

Monday Night Out (July 15th)

I had this event on my calendar well before we arrived in New York. Mostly because of the movie “August Rush”   and the beautiful scene at the end… I won’t ruin it for you if you haven’t seen the movie, but also because this event happens once a year and if over 14 million people attend you know its going to be good! I read some reviews and did my research before going and am very thankful that I did as the Great Lawn of Central Park gets packed hours before the concert begins. We arrived two hours+ before it started due to the 90 degree weather with humidity there is no way we would have been able to sit any longer than an hour or so in the sun. (as my initial plan was to spend all day in Central Park)

As you can see in the first picture behind me… the baseball diamond we were next to was basically empty…

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After a couple people sat on the dirt… it ended up like the below picture with people sitting in any tiny space they could find as the night went on…

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Even though I did not like all the people cramping our space… I LOVED the atmosphere of being able to sit in the park… the gorgeous view of the city behind us and the orchestra in front of us…playing majestic tunes.

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These were the two pieces we got to listen to! Dvořák : Cello Concerto and Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5. You can listen to them here. We left before the end and fireworks display to avoid the masses leaving the park at the same time.



Montauk Lighthouse

Montauk Point aka ‘THE END’

Saturdays Somewhere (July 13th)

This past weekend we went on a ‘day’ trip to Montauk, NY the drive out of NYC wasn’t too bad as we left before 7 am to beat the traffic! Long Island is a destination for a lot of new yorkers on the weekend as many have houses or some sort of event to attend to in The Hamptons. The drive through beautiful winerys and fresh hydrangeas were everywhere! We had a lovely brunch at a local cafe in their ‘backyard’ when we arrived into the town of Montauk, as the rain began to pour we quickly left.

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This is our routine shot now of when the three of us go anywhere together! (my scarf was shielding the rain)

Our destination was the end of the island, in which there is a gorgeous lighthouse…it was very foggy that rainy that day so we got the best pictures we could!

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As you can see we all had a wonderful time! Lots of fun and laughter!

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Love my little sister and the time we get to spend together this summer! She is laid back and easy going but always knows how to laugh and have fun!


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After our little hike around the Montauk State Park we got back in the car and headed into the little town to find some actual sand where we could hang out for the afternoon. It was a bit chilly but enjoyable to not be in the 90+ degree whether that New York has been having.

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Surprise Speaker @ Hillsong NYC

Priscilla Shirer

I love love love our Sundays in NYC. Not only because the day seems longer but also because we get to choose from 6 services to go to at Hillsong NYC. The church doesn’t ‘post’ in advance what pastor is speaking when or if a guest is in town-I am assuming because it is a lot for one person to speak/be available from 10am-9pm in one day. Long story short we had the privilege of listening to Priscilla Shirer speak on patience!

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She is quite powerful and enthusiastic when she preaches and her teaching through the old testament on God’s character in just a few short minutes blew me away! After the service we had lunch at 5 Napkin Burger and both had amazing tacos believe it or not! Union Square is a pretty enjoyable place to walk around to the different shops or sit on a bench in the shade-not to be controversial or anything but there was a protest going on, on behalf of Trayvone that day so the square was packed! And it was an interesting thing to observe as I personally had never seen a protest in person. (it was very calm and not violent in any way)

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This is up above from one of the department stores we were in… mostly to be in the Air Condition! :)


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Coney Island

The Boardwalk & Hot Dogs

This morning we ventured down to Coney Island to walk along the famous boardwalk and experience a different part of New York. We arrived just as the park was opening which was perfect as it was overcast and not too many people were there.

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We wandered around for awhile (the boardwalk is three miles long) people watching, browsing through Luna Park which seemed tempting but as soon as it started to rain we decided to just sit and wait for it to pass… which it never did. So we ate at the well-known Nathan’s Famous Frankfurters enjoying their hot dog, burger, french fries and old-fashioned lemonade after a 30 minute wait-which it may not be organic but you know with a long wait that the food is a little fresher than most places! Cordie thoroughly enjoyed his lunch.

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There was a whole wall of dates and details of when Coney Island began and what has happened over the years-as Cordie would say it was very ‘INTERESTING’.