Recap:Driving from Rochester, MN to New York City, NY

Day One. Adios MN!

Cordie (my husband) and I left Rochester, MN Friday June 28th for the Big Apple. I had many tears in my eyes after saying good-bye to 2 close friends and their darling children, which are like my nieces. I will deeply miss them all-so thankful for our technology today to being able to ‘see’ them through different avenues if its not in person. I love each of their personalities and have enjoyed watching them grow!

Zakiyah Nova Sophia Lila Goodbyes bundle up hair Zion Leilani

We hauled as fast as we could to Columbus, Ohio… Running into hours of traffic in Chicago due to the BlackHawks winning parade…made the trek a lot longer with a quick spurt of excitement getting to ‘wave’ across the interstate at our good friends the Timms. :) I have never been to Indiana… so seeing the various cities was nice and yet we were ready to get to our hotel by the time we were in Indianapolis…the ten hour drive ended up being just over 12 hrs by the time we stopped in Columbus, Ohio. Day One of driving was over.

Day Two. Columbus Zoo


Columbus has one of the top ’2′ zoos in the U.S after San Diego, CA. I was super excited to go… after a long morning of rain and sitting in the hotel we were finally able to go to the zoo for a few hours to see some animals! One of my new favorite animals is the BEAR.

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The thing that was fun about the Columbus Zoo was that there were different ‘regions’ you could go into to see animals from different parts of the world; so of course I took Cordie to “Australia” one of my favorite places in the world.



Overall, we had a blast at the Zoo in the hours we were there… If you have the extra time their waterpark looked delightful!

Day Three. Trek to Niagara Falls.

On Sunday, we took our time leaving Columbus going back to (we had dinner there the night before) Whole Foods Market for another wonderful meal. What I love about Whole Foods are all the choices! We had sushi and pizza-so worth every dime. We were making pretty good time so decided to stop in Erie, PA on Presque Isle to ‘skip’ a few flat rocks and enjoy the sunshine and sand.



After our short stop we got on the road again towards Buffalo, NY! We hit ‘toll’ traffic outside of NY that added another two hours onto the trip… we arrived at our hotel and literally threw our stuff on the bed and went as fast as possible (without speeding) to Niagara Falls in the hope we would make it before the sunset!

niagara falls

This was taken just ten minutes before it went down. We did not do as much research as we could have before arriving, but got incredibly lucky that there was some sort of Festival going on (more people yes) which meant FREE parking and FREE entry onto the observation deck which allowed for a great view. (If you decide not to pay the 15$ to go up on the observation deck-don’t fret there are plenty of other spectacular places to get great pics) Personally, I would not plan a whole vacation around visiting the Falls… there are a lot of people… a lot of bugs and not too many other activities to do… I would suggest bringing your passport along and plan on staying in Ontario, Canada for your ‘holiday’ and seeing the Falls at the same time.

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The nice thing about getting there at night was the fireworks show-as they were shot up towards where you would be sitting and made the noise louder and each firework a lot larger! It was a great ending to our evening!

Day Four. Fog. Rain. Traffic.

We left rather early on Monday morning-to avoid the crowds of Canadians celebrating Canada Day and to get to New York City around the time my little sister got off work! The drive was miserable… due to dense fog and pounding rain through most of the beautiful hills of Upstate New York. A few highlights were the Winerys along the side of the road I could see every once in awhile and driving through the towns. Syracuse, NY buildings looked so old and worn down…which was cool to see that they were still standing, but also made me wonder how much money New York puts into the rest of its state-or if it all goes to New York City?


After a full day of rain and traveling through New York State. We made it to our new home for the month of July! We are staying in a really cute apartment in Chinatown, our window over looks a park and it is quiet at night!


We are on the top floor and the Cross is for the Funeral Home our apartment is on top of! :) Apologies for the lengthy post… Hopefully from here on out they will be more regular and shorter!





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