Surprise Speaker @ Hillsong NYC

Priscilla Shirer

I love love love our Sundays in NYC. Not only because the day seems longer but also because we get to choose from 6 services to go to at Hillsong NYC. The church doesn’t ‘post’ in advance what pastor is speaking when or if a guest is in town-I am assuming because it is a lot for one person to speak/be available from 10am-9pm in one day. Long story short we had the privilege of listening to Priscilla Shirer speak on patience!

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She is quite powerful and enthusiastic when she preaches and her teaching through the old testament on God’s character in just a few short minutes blew me away! After the service we had lunch at 5 Napkin Burger and both had amazing tacos believe it or not! Union Square is a pretty enjoyable place to walk around to the different shops or sit on a bench in the shade-not to be controversial or anything but there was a protest going on, on behalf of Trayvone that day so the square was packed! And it was an interesting thing to observe as I personally had never seen a protest in person. (it was very calm and not violent in any way)

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This is up above from one of the department stores we were in… mostly to be in the Air Condition! :)