
YAY! It’s MAY!


Even living in Florida I feel like May is the month of ‘true’ spring and we are thoroughly enjoying the beginning of it! We’ve added some more details to our home… A fun old school retro clock, an awesome Elephant Head -Cordie picked out (yes even though I am the one that loves elephants) and an Ikea mirror that we have had for a long time but no where to put it. I love how the three are completely different pieces, but go together and fit ‘us’.

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We also hit up the local greenhouse and picked out some little herb plants to grow on our deck… hoping the sun keeps showing its face every once in awhile. During the rainy days we started a couple DIY projects which I will share soon!


May also means to me… MORE pool time.. Iced Cold Drinks…and FUN nail colors…

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Cinco de Mayo celebs… The PLAYERS Championship…some family coming to visit and lots of looong walks on the beach!

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